This is what a typical Stately Week looks like for the team:

  1. 📖 Mondays are your days. They’re for anything you want to do: research, open-source work, exploring ideas that are relevant to our mission, experimenting with interesting technology. It's a good way to ease into the work week after a relaxing weekend.
  2. 🏗️ Tuesdays are for working on items from Linear, in order of priority. If we’re at the end of the sprint cycle, we're finishing up the highest priority issues and thinking about how the last few weeks went for tomorrow’s retrospective.
  3. 🏁 Wednesdays are for sprint retrospectives and planning. At the end/beginning of a sprint cycle, we’re implementing action items from the retrospective, finishing up any remaining work from the previous sprint cycle, and looking at new tasks for the new sprint cycle. It’s also a good work and focus day.
  4. 🛠️ Thursdays are like Tuesdays, except we’re looking forward to the weekend, not the end of the sprint cycle. This is a deep work and focus day.
  5. 💬 Fridays are for office hours and some casual time to hang out with your teammates! We’re wrapping up the week with smaller issues that we won't worry about over the weekend, maybe preparing a demo for office hours, and joining an optional, casual fun hour after office hours to end the week on a good note.
  6. 🏖️ Saturdays are for relaxation.
  7. 🛏️ Sundays are for relaxation.